From nursery to secondary
The parents' association of the Athénée de Mons 1 is intended for all parents of students (nursery, primary and secondary)
feeling involved in the organization of the school.
Chairman: Mr. François Honoré
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Every year, Afam's invests in the comfort of our children.
2015-2016: Magic show during the Saint-Nicolas of the nursery and the lower grade of primary (1-2).
Purchase of a new outdoor play module (slide) for the kindergarten garden.
2016-2017: Purchase of small wooden games for the playground for middle and upper grades of primary (3-6)
Clown show during Saint Nicholas Day for nursery school and lower primary school (1-2)
2017-2018: Purchase of yellow jackets with the school logo for student travel
Saint-Nicolas show for nursery and lower primary (1-2)
2018-2019: Saint-Nicolas show for nursery and lower primary (1-2)
2019-2020: Gift of a book to each child (M1 to P6) for Saint-Nicolas
2020-2021: Gift of a book per child (M1 to P6) for Saint-Nicolas
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
We would particularly like to thank AFAM's for this investment
within the Athenaeum and invite all parents to join them
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.