Listening and advice
Rue Léopold II, 10 7000 Mons
065 / 31.17.39
The PMS Center is a place of reception, listening and dialogue where the young person and / or his family can address the issues that concern them in terms of schooling, education, family and social life, health, educational and vocational guidance,….
It is available to students and their parents from the start of nursery education until the end of secondary education.
The Psycho-Medico-Social Center is a free service.
The staff are subject to professional secrecy and work completely independently from the Athenaeum.
It is a place where students (in elementary and secondary schools) and their parents can be listened to and helped in all discretion.
Three people make up the team:
A psychologist : she can help children and young people with personal problems,
learning difficulties, assess skills or areas of interest,
provide information on training and professions, etc.
Madame Nathalie VERBEEST 0478 / 73.27.08
A nurse : she can answer any question about your health, she plans activities
about your well-being, she organizes medical visits in collaboration with the centre's doctor ...
Mrs Emilia TEUNEN 0478 / 73.26.87
A social worker : she analyzes the parents' requests, supports them in their role.
She listens and can also help young people with various problems: personal,
family (conflicts, painful situations, ...), school (dropout, demotivation ...), integration into the class, ...
Mrs Caroline VANDERLICK 0478 / 73.26.62
Throughout the school curriculum, all students benefit from various activities organized by the PMS Center (for primary: self-esteem, cooperation-respect, ..., for secondary: "getting to know each other in 1st secondary", orientation in 2nd, 4th and 6th secondary,…).
The offices of the PMS Center are located inside the Athénée.
The Center has, for parents, a separate entrance from that of the school (see address above)
We also collaborate, if necessary, with other services such as family planning, Open Environment Assistance services, Infor Jeunes, external workers such as speech therapists, etc.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.